If you are interested in improving your game, if you simply wish to take part in some structured sessions or are looking to meet like-minded tennis players then we have a session for you.
Our programming includes coaching courses and recurring weekly sessions (Cardio Tennis, Drills and Pay & Plays).

Adult coaching
Courses are 12-15 weeks long and run on a termly basis. We run waiting lists for our Beginners courses so please email us if you would like to be added to the list. Improvers and Advanced courses are booked via the website on a first-come-first-served basis and players are advised of the release date in advance by email each term.
Recurring sessions
The Adult Coaching page of website displays the next 2 upcoming dates for recurring Pay & Play or Drills sessions. Spaces are limited and sessions are popular so they can get booked up very quickly.

Junior coaching
We run waiting lists for our junior Red, Orange, Green & Yellow Ball courses so please email us if you would like to add a player to the list.
Our Tots sessions (ages 2-4) are booked via the Junior Coaching page of the website on a first-come-first-served basis.
Recurring sessions
The Junior Pay & Play is a weekly recurring session which is booked via the website on a first-come-first-served basis and the next 2 upcoming dates are displayed. Spaces are limited and sessions are popular so they can get booked up very quickly.