
CSG closed from Wednesday 18 March

As you will be aware, the government and public health authorities have updated their position on the management of coronavirus in the UK and have recommended that individuals work from home where possible, and avoid public spaces, theatres, bars, clubs and any non-essential gatherings.

We have been taking the necessary steps so that fromWednesday 18 March, the Community Sports Ground will be closed until further notice, as will the Wimbledon Museum and Shop.

At the heart of these decisions is our focus on the health and safety of our community and our staff. We expect the government’s position to continue to evolve in the coming days and weeks which will require ongoing consideration of our operations, and we will endeavour to share any updates in as timely a manner as possible.


Thank you for your patience and support as we navigate these unsettling times, and please continue to take every precaution to stay healthy.

The CSG Team